Thaddeus Killgrave was a mad scientist bent on world domination. His schemes were foiled by Superman, and the madman devoted himself to the Man of Steel's destruction.

Seems simple enough, doesn't it? Ah, but there are some twists:

For one thing, Killgrave's ruthless nature. He's out to kill Superman, and doesn't care who gets in his way or hurt in the process. Killgrave once supplied a thermonuclear bomb to the Joker and sent him to Metropolis with it. Killgrave also worked for a time with Intergang, and access to their Apokoliptian technology made him even more dangerous. He also went after Superman while, unkown to him, the Man of Steel was dealing with a loss of powers courtesy of Lex Luthor, Mr Mxyzptlk, and red kryptonite. Killgrave also attacked Superman directly with another thermonuclear weapon.

After the Y2K crisis, when Metropolis had been reengineered with the B13 tech, Killgrave hacked his way into the system and took control of the city for awhile.

The other twist, the other way Killgrave is different from your average mad scientist? He's only two and a half feet tall.

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