La Encantadora is one of the strangest villainesses Superman has ever faced. Armed with the enchanted Mists of Ibella she is capable of tremendous feats of magic, but she is unschooled in their true nature and power. This makes her an uncertain element. Adding to that is the fact that her motives are unclear and ambiguous, and are obviously affected by her clear attraction to the Man of Steel.

When she first appeared, she was selling fragments of kryptonite to several villains, including the evil Ra's al Ghul. It turned out that this was a con, as the kryptonite she was selling was fake. Superman tracked her down, captured her, and turned her over to the police, but not before she managed to give him one small gift.

The kiss, as it turned out, was to transfer a miniature device, known as a "nanobot," loaded with a piece of real kryptonite inside the Man of Steel, where it began slowly poisoning him to death.

Later, as Superman's poisoning worsened, La Encantadora contacted Lois Lane, and through her got word to the doctors about what was happening to the Last Son of Krypton. Her confession gave those trying to help save Superman the vital information they needed to complete that task.

The mysterious person who had paid Encantadora to poison Superman in the first place found out about her change of heart, however, and put the assassin Deathstroke on her trail. Deathstroke tracked Encantadora to STAR Labs; but before he was able to deliver the killing blow Superman regained consciousness and saved her life.

Although Encantadora was safe from Deathstroke, her life was still in jeopardy. Ra's al Ghul, furious over having been tricked by her when he had tried to purchase some kryptonite, sought her out. Kidnapping her younger brother, Ras threatened to kill him unless Encantadora used her magical Mists of Ibella to enhance the strength of al Ghul's failing Lazarus Pits, the mystical baths which gave him immortal life. This led to a battle between Superman and the Head of the Demon, with the survival of the Earth itself as the prize!

When Superman defeated Ra's al Ghul, Encantadora swore that her recent experiences had convinced her to turn over a new leaf. Before Superman could take her back to prison, she disappeared, promising never to trouble him again.

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