My Autograph collection

Okay, so my autograph collection thus far isn't very big. Cut me some slack, I'm only just getting into it! Anyway, I'm proud of the John Hancock's I've collected so far. They make the things irreplaceable and far more valuable to me.

First are the covers to Jeph Loeb's "Superman For All Seasons." This series was so well written it inspired me to start collecting comics seriously again!

These are the covers to some of the issues of "Superman: The Man of Steel" that Tom Nguyen colored. His dark colors make the images so intense!

The 1978 Superman movie and the first Superman movie serial are both great stories and lots of fun to watch. I met Margot Kidder (Lois Lane), Marc McClure (Jimmy Olsen), and Noel Neill (Lois Lane) at the Superman Celebration 2000 in Metropolis.

Super villains Jack O'Halloran (Non) and Sarah Douglas (Ursa), as well as Jeff East (young Clark Kent) and Valerie Perrine (Miss Tessmacher), were all at the Superman Celebration 2001 in Metropolis. Although I was unable to attend, a friend (thanks Kevin) helped me get their autographs--as well as surprise guest Noel Neill, who had returned unexpectedly.

Preeminent artist Alex Ross was commissioned to do a painting depicting all the players from all the multiple universes involved in the Crisis on Infinite Earths in all their glory (the painting was later used as the cover to the Crisis trade paperback). I was fortunate enough to obtain a numbered and signed copy, complete with Certificate of Authenticity and even a breakdown identifying the more than five hundred characters depicted in the painting, from my local Warner Bros store, before they closed down. I was even more fortunate to get Alex's autograph, not once but twice, on the back of the painting and on the Certificate!

Mike Carlin wrote a very insightful introduction to the Superman Archives Volume 5.

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